Learn more about our plans and programs, find a dentist, or sign in to view patient eligibility, plan detail, and claims. Dental Insurance MetLife MetLifes Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plans feature the MetLife Preferred Dentist Program, which is designed to save you money on dental services.You can choose from thousands of participating general dentists and specialists nationwide. If you receive MetLife Dental insurance benefits through your employer, you can view and manage them online.
Please contact MetLife or view the 20MetLife Federal Dental Plan Brochure for cost and complete details. Manage your employee benefits Find a participating dentist Download a dental claim form En Espa ol Download the Plan Participant EOB Guide Learn about Group Dental insurance. Phishing is a fraudulent attempt to obtain an individuals personal information, often through a misleading , text or other online communication. MetLife Federal Dental plan MetLife FEDVIP Savings from enrolling in the MetLife Federal Dental Plan will depend on various factors, including the cost of the Plan, how often members visit a dentist, and the cost of services rendered.